
  • GI Health and Healing

  • Thyroid and Adrenal Evaluation

  • Hormone Balancing Testing

  • Gut microbiome Testing

  • Micronutrient Testing


There are 5 Pillars of Functional Medicine that are foundational to creating a healthy life. 

  1. Nutrition & Hydration
  2. Exercise & Movement
  3. Stress (Management and Elimination of it)
  4. Sleep and Rest
  5. Purpose and Community

You can expect to fill out new patient forms that ask a variety of questions assessing the strength of your health pillars.


In my practice, I focus on the essential foundations for achieving lasting wellness. My goal is to meet each patient where they are on their health journey and partner with them to create a comprehensive, actionable plan that will help them achieve their wellness goals. Whether you're dealing with chronic symptoms, seeking overall health improvements, or aiming to optimize longevity, I am here to help you navigate your path to vibrant health.



Ensuring we are a good fit is really important!  Prescriptions and supplements can have a massive improvement in symptoms but they will still only get you halfway. Here are some expectations I have of you:  

  • You have time to commit to improving lifestyle and nutrition.
  • You have an interest in movement and exercise.
  • You understand that your health is your personal responsibility.
  • You have a desire for personal growth and improvement.



New Patients

Establishing new patients will consist of 3 appointments.  

Intake involves filling out paperwork and questionnaires, once completed, the first appointment will be scheduled.  

  • The first visit is a comprehensive review and ordering of diagnostic testing if indicated.  
  • The purpose of the second visit is to review test results and formulate a plan together.  
  • The third visit is a short follow-up 2 weeks after plan initiation to make any modifications and answer questions.  
  • Subsequent visits will be scheduled based on this follow up.  Generally, there are more frequent appointments early in the process.  Overtime, goal will be to have yearly check-ins. 



Your First Visit

Your first visit will be much longer than any medical appointment you've had in recent years. Expect it to last up to 90 minutes.

As Functional Medicine practitioners, we need to spend time with our patients, listen to their histories.

Kimberley will take a VERY detailed history. This helps to identify factors that may predispose, provoke, and contribute to your overall health. Kimberley will look at the connection between the your whole lifespan and your current health. This insight is so beneficial – not only to the clinician, but to you as well.

For further clarification and diagnostics, specific testing is likely to be recommended.

Your Second Visit

During your second visit, Kimberley will review lab findings and begin suggesting lifestyle, nutrition exercise, sleep modifications that you can implement. If supplements are indicated or desired, Kimberly will make personal recommendations with quality, third party tested brands at a discounted rate. She will discuss if additional specialty testing would be helpful and make arrangements as necessary. This is the appointment where our patients often have a lot of questions, which are encouraged!

Your Third Visit and Beyond

As you progress, you will deepen your knowledge about what nutrition is best for your body, explore new forms of physical activity, or even develop mindfulness practices that enhance your mental resilience.During subsequent visits, she’ll work with you to follow your care plan and monitor your progress. Together, adjustments will be made as needed so you can continue on a journey of healing and health.Ultimately, FFM fosters a supportive partnership and empowering environment to enhance motivation and increase the likelihood of long-term success.


Kimberley enjoy working integratively with other practitioners to achieve your health goals. Unfortunately, she not be operating as a Primary Care Provider.  

Kimberley strongly recommends that all patients see a PCP at least once a year for their annual complete physical exam, colonoscopy over age 45, Mammograms, Pelvic exam with PAP smear, and DEXA scans, etc. 

*Kimberley can still order blood work that can be billed to insurance.

However,  Kimberley is  not in-network with any insurance companies or medicare programs. Kimberley DOES offer a "Superbill" after each visit for patients to submit to insurance for partial reimbursement to the patient depending on their healthcare plan. 

If you are planning in using a superbill, you will want to ask your insurance company what the coverage is for an "Out-of-network provider" and what they would cover for a "99204 and/or 99214" coded visit.

Payment for Kimberley’s service is still due at time of the encounter.


Office Visits, Functional Testing & Billing:

New Patient Establishing care (3 visits total.) $500

Follow-up (30 min.):  $150

Follow-up (45 min.):  $200

Follow-up (60 min.):  $250

Quick call: (15. min):  $100